2024-08-26柚乡三宝柚汁蜜多次亮相国内外文化交流展示平台 “树树笼烟疑带火,山山照日似悬金。行看采掇方盈手,暗觉馨香已满襟。”唐代诗人张彤的诗句是重庆梁平柚的生动写照。聪慧勤劳的梁平人通过精深加工,开发出柚汁蜜、柚子酒、柚子糖、柚子精油等200多款产品。其中,梁平柚乡三宝…
2024-07-16重庆沱茶茶形似碗臼,色泽乌黑油润,滋味醇厚甘和 茶形似碗臼,色泽乌黑油润,滋味醇厚甘和……在第四届“重庆好礼”旅游商品(文创产品)大赛中,重庆益丰茶叶有限公司推出的魔方茶盒系列沱茶成功入选“重庆好礼”外事礼品。3月20日,重庆益丰茶叶有限公司市场总监赖秉坤…
2024-05-07Origin, a Creative Cultural Brand, Showcasing Impressive Chongqing on Teaware本之缘文创 茶器上的重庆印象Teaware called “Impressive Chongqing”, a paperweight featuring “Bayu Culture”, a cultural and tourism set named “Artistic Pen” and “Treasure Che…
2024-03-12At the 4th “Chongqing Gifts” Tourism Commodities (Cultural and Creative Products) Competition and Foreign-Affairs Gifts Title Awarding Ceremony, the “Ode to Grazing Cows” stamp album, jointly developed by Chongqing Dazu Rock Carvings International Tour…
2024-03-05Aroma of Chongqing-Based Qingjiu Liquor: Tasting Chongqing in the Inheritance of Ancient Liquor-Making Techniques巴渝浓香庆酒 在古法传承中品味重庆The 2023 (China) Eurasia Commodity and Trade Expo, under the theme of “Promoting the Silk Road Spirit, Stren…
2023-11-23Rongchang Pottery CarvingPottery Carvings to Spead Hometown Stories荣昌陶刻 刀下见神韵 陶语堂出品的“荣昌陶器系列之作”入选2021“重庆好礼外事礼品”。Adding Brilliance to Pottery with Masterly Carving Technique 吴华生陶刻成竹在胸。At Taoyutang, the studio…
2023-11-07Lanyuxuan Knitting: Intangible Cultural Heritage Passed Down Through Fingertips澜玉轩绳结编织 指尖上的非遗传承
2023-11-06Tongdefu Walnut Slice: A Century-Old Chongqing Flavor 同德福桃片 穿越百年的重庆味道In an alley on Wuyong Road, Hechuan District, Chongqing, there is a renowned local snack produced with exclusive techniques. The snack is made in thin slices, resembling pa…
2023-10-24Shixian Taibai Baijiu: Transmitting the Beauty of Life Through Poetry and Baijiu巴人佳酿诗仙太白 诗酒精神传递生活美学Each place has its own way of brewing its liquor. In various parts of our country, due to the different climates and geological conditions…
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